Saturday, July 22, 2006


Marilia from Brasilia. My sempai, who's in her second year studying as a stylist at Bunka Fashion College, dressed her up and took pictures. If the link works, and you have some free time, there are more.

I decided to take the level 2 Japanese Language Proficiency Test, in December. There are 4 levels, level 1 means you are proficient, level 4 means you've put in some effort to learn Japanese. Next week we are taking level 2 practice exams, so we'll if I can get by. I'll take level 1 next year.

My summer break starts next week. I'm going on two homestays. One in Ishikawa, and the other is in Hokkaido. I have to think of things to tell the host family about my country... Paul Bunyan, the Giant Lumberjack, chocolate covered pretzels... what else, what else... I've always avoided doing homestays because I don't like the idea of being in someone else's home, and sleeping in someone else's bed, or showering in someone else's shower. I have to watch myself to make sure I don't interupt their way of living, just like I'm sure the family will be watching me. But I've turned over a new leaf, and signed up for two homestays within the next month. Hopefully, I'll come back and my face will hurt from smiling so much, and not because I had been acting overtly polite the whole time.

There seems to be some hubbub about North Korean missiles in the Sea of Japan... Honestly, I wouldn't have even known if it had flown into my sink.

I got a vonage phoneline here. It's a New York area code, so there are no international rates, only the time difference.

Oh, and Marilia and I will be sharing a room in September!


Marilia Melo said...

Hi Mitsue, thanks for the photo! hehehe ちょっと恥ずかしい!
Btw, my city is Brasilia, with s =P hehehe
And maybe you forgot to tell that we are going to share room after september. =)


mitsue said...

Of Course! BraSilia!
thanks for showing me how the links work, it works!