Thursday, February 22, 2007


There was a group of 11 people who came to the restaurant today, a mix of Japanese and Gaijin. One of the guys lived in Scarsdale! But, it was his two American friends who came to me and asked me what I was doing in Japan.

So, I told them I'm going to study fashion, and they said, "So, you're going to be a world class fashion designer! You need a name that will be easy for Americans to remember. Do you know Mazda Seiko?" no, I do not know her, "it was easier for her to become famous since her name was easy to remember, Mazda, like the car, and Seiko, like the watches." Then his friend said, "And short, two syllables. Once there's a third syllable, people will forget it and can't say it right" A little later, they told me they have a name for my label, 'BeWa?' That's how he wrote it for me. "Be who, be when, be where, BeWa? and, once the economy starts using kanji, the name can be changed to Be和, harmony."

Everytime I went to their table, they would say, "BeWa-chan, BeWa-chan!"

t sounds like Biba, the British brand from the 70's, or CK, Calvin Klein.
I might use it someday. I mean, they said they both had their MA's, they know what they're talking about when it comes to marketing.

Biwa is also Japanese for a loquat!

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