Thursday, January 29, 2009

the reader

books. recently.
Haruki Murakami: Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, Dance Dance Dance.

Kurt Vonnegut, jr.: Breakfast of Champions

Richard Brautigan: Trout Fishing in America

I enjoyed 'Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World' the most. There's this bizarre Tokyo underworld, and it's a bit sci-fi, but it's a bit refreshing too. There are some dream-like passages that make you feel like you're wafting through the story, sorta taken by the breeze. Then I read 'Dance Dance Dance'. A lot of Murakami's books describe day-to-day life, and how coincidences/chance encounters can affect your frame of mind and perspective. I had heard that song, 'Dance Dance Dance', somewhere before, and every time I took out that book I heard that tune. Then my friend told me about Lykke Li, and when I heard the song I was like, "oh, snap!" (it wasn't very climatic, but I'm glad I can now identify that song). I tried reading his book "The Wind-up Bird Chronicles' in Japanese, but I just couldn't grasp the circuitous redundant Japanese writing. It made the day-to-day stuff seem very boring, and on top of that my Japanese reading skills are, how shall I say, retarded? Never realized Vonnegut was a junior. His omniscient point of view plays around with the characters, the narration, and time (also a bit sci-fi). The last one, Janet forgot in my room. It was under the mattress. Totally abstract, the main character is 'trout fishing in America'. It gets cooked, it echoes, it pours, gets sent to Washington...Arkansas, and becomes a band for kids...

I saw The Reader. I would say, Kate Winslet = Rachel Weisz. They could swap in the middle of a movie, and it would go unrecognized.

do you recall...

Enjoy the weekend, all!

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