Tuesday, May 13, 2008

an advantage

So, sex and the city premieres in London. No sweat off my back, but it doesn't seem to make much sense. I mean, it is sex and the city, right? and by the city, they do mean New York, right? let's not get into it. But I'm happy to hear some of the reviews here
i heart sex and the city.

The advantage, you say?! (not really an advantage unless you take it), I'm in the future! I just realized I could be the first to post about so many things, and this happened when I went online today and saw the fresh headlines for the sex and the city movie premiere (of all things). I noticed this before on my google reader, updated items for the sartorialist and the style bubble popping up only seconds after scott and suzy click on 'publish post'. But, of course, it's not really true, and this is not really important. The article is posted and then I post about it, and already, I'm not the first. It's the world wide web, an afternoon in one place is an evening in another, and the following day over here, and all at the same time. It's almost like the converse of the time/space continuum. no space. no time. (I don't know what I'm talking about).

I was walking around Nakameguro with a friend today, and we were looking for a store, ilil, but we couldn't find it, so we check on the internet with her phone, in the middle of the street! Does that not reek of the future?! She has a very slick phone from softbank. It's a slider, huge screen with a touch sensor, and can go widescreen just by putting it on its side, and when you shake it it becomes a 3.2 megapixel camera, you can watch tv on it...and the list goes on.


Marilia Melo said...

That's exactly why I miss talking to you!!! hehehe =********

mitsue said...

let's hang out DAYO!!!!